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our post production process

What Exactly Is Involved in Our Post-production Process?

Post-production is that last step before you put your content out into the world, making it a crucial step. You already know that we are an Orlando AV rental company that rents out audio-visual equipment for your event, but what can you expect from our post-production process?

What Exactly Is Involved in Our Post-production Process?

Post-production involves cleaning up video recordings. This could include cutting content from the front or the back end, or maybe even removing portions of the video to keep the transitions moving smoothly. This could also include you only needing the audio cleaned up—that’s what we do as a part of the post-production process.

Rough Start

The initial step in post-production will be like a rough draft—because we’re working with the first rough cut of content. We go through all of the footage to see the pieces you want to keep. If you have specific shots that you want to use or key content to highlight, this is where you would let us know.

We can help you figure out what to cut, what to keep, and how you want your content to flow together.


This is the part of the process where we will begin to work with your content. Our goal is to consider the core message you want and edit your video together to reflect that.

Beyond that, though, we work with your content to keep it interesting. This means showing off the parts of your video that have unique visual elements, encouraging people to engage with your brand.


This process can be a long one because you can always send back the edited content to us so that we can perform more revisions, even to the first draft. This is where we will follow your requests to remove any sections you don’t want and seamlessly transition your content.

Audio Content

The post-production process isn’t always about just the appearance of the video footage. In fact, sound is a really important part of the post-production process.

We are able to clean up the audio to take out any distortion, improving your sound in spots and making sure that everyone can hear what you need. Cleaning up the sound isn’t the only thing we do, though. We can also add voiceover or sound effects, adding the sound to your video as we work.

If you want background music, that’s something that we can plan out too. If you want a certain sound for your video, you only need to talk to us about what you’re looking for.

Special Effects

The post-production process doesn’t necessarily end here. We can also add other types of content to your video, such as special effects. This might mean graphs, figures, and facts that will help make your spoken and video content that much more engaging to your audience. Or we can even input animated characters or other special effects. 

Final Formats

You have your complete video content at this point, so now, we will put everything together in the right format for broadcasting. This means converting it to the right file type for it to be utiized for a social media or for a high resolution broadcast commercial.

If you let us know where you want your video to be housed, we can format it to fit properly with the platform.


Post-production is a vital part of any video creation process. You might have your content or your video, but this is the part where we clean up your video to make all the transitions smooth, to add in audio and visual content, and otherwise to make your content perfect for whatever platform you have in mind. Call us today and speak to our AV experts so we can work closely with you to create the media you have in mind.