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Integrating Interactive Elements into Your Video Wall

Integrating Interactive Elements into Your Video Wall

Trade shows are busy and bustling, with competitors vying for the attention of attendees. Without the help of powerful tools like interactive video walls, it can be challenging to captivate and attract trade show visitors. Thanks to interactive video walls, you can create an engaging, dynamic, and personalized experience for your visitors, enhance your business branding, and display interactive messages. Let’s look at some ways you can integrate interactive elements into your video walls.

Ideas for Interactive Walls

Interactive Games and Challenges

Incorporate fun, exciting challenges, quizzes, and games into your video walls. For example, you could feature a trivial game on the video wall where participants have to answer questions using touch screens. It’s a good idea to include some branded memory games or puzzles that are relevant to your specific brand or products and services.

Touch Screen Navigation

Let your visitors use your touch-screen video walls to navigate. Your screens can host maps or directories, which can be extremely helpful in assisting trade show visitors in finding their way around the event.

Personalized Content Displays

If you’re in the fashion industry, consider using your video walls to feature interactive fashion mirrors that suggest outfits based on user preferences. Personalized product recommendations based on user profiles are also some good examples of displays that you can include. Another example is including customized travel itineraries or destination suggestions if you’re in the tourism industry.

News or Other Information

Display a live ticker that features news or information that you have curated according to your industry. You can also integrate RSS feeds from various relevant sources, so you’ll have a constant stream of news being displayed.

Social Media Content

Turn your video walls into interactive social media walls that display user posts or photos at the trade show. Let your attendees share their experiences and photos, creating a live stream of visual content. You can also feature a live social media feed of trending topics at the event.

Future Trends and Innovations

Augmented Reality (AR) Integration

In the near future, AR technology is poised to play an even bigger role in interactive video walls. AR technology can create immersive experiences by fusing physical and virtual realms, taking user engagement and memorable interactions yet another step higher.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

With the help of AI algorithms, interactive video walls can create and display even more personalized and adaptive content. AI-powered video walls will be able to analyze user behavior and interactions, all in real-time. This will bring personalization even further and allow for greater possibilities with dynamic content adaption and targeted messaging.

Don’t Settle for Ordinary Displays When You Can Create Extraordinary Experiences

You don’t have to resort to ordinary displays for your trade show booth; that doesn’t really do anything to engage your visitors. Instead, use video walls and integrate interactive elements to create truly immersive and engaging experiences to attract visitors. If you want to learn how to embrace the power of interactive video walls for your trade shows, don’t hesitate to call us today.

Maximizing Your Trade Show Impact with Cutting-Edge Video Wall Displays

Maximizing Your Trade Show Impact with Cutting-Edge Video Wall Displays

Trade shows are significant avenues for businesses to showcase their products and services while trying to attract new clients. Inevitably, a combination of marketing strategies and audience engagement is integral to these trade shows. Today, with the help of large format cutting-edge video wall displays, businesses can easily create a stunning canvas for visual storytelling and create memorable experiences that will resonate with trade show attendees.

How To Use Video Wall Displays To Maximize Your Trade Show Impact

Create Stunning Visuals

With video wall displays, you can captivate the interest of attendees with an unparalleled level of visual impact, thanks to their advanced brightness and clarity. Compared to traditional displays, video walls today feature high-resolution screens that have no problems delivering vibrant colors and crisp images, helping your booth become a focal point in the busy trade show environment. With your compelling visual content, you can draw crowds from across the exhibit hall, enticing them to venture closer to have a look at your vivid and dynamic media content.

Enhance Brand Recognition

Video wall displays aren’t just about displaying your products and services. They are, in fact, potent tools to help enhance brand recognition through creative and spectacular visuals that draw attention to your branding. When utilized with a well-crafted strategy, your brand’s message and logo should become more powerfully imprinted in the minds of trade show attendees.

Display Dynamic Content

Cutting-edge video wall technology today allows you to showcase dynamic content, so you’re no longer limited to static posters or printed materials. Instead, LED video walls will enable you to display real-time updates and make changes to your visuals and messages as you please. This remarkable flexibility allows you to adapt to the trade show, ensuring that your displayed content stays relevant and engaging throughout the event.

Additionally, the ability to update content in real-time allows you to respond to your audience’s changing needs and interests. Whether you want to highlight a specific product feature, announce a special promotion on the day of the trade show, or share user-generated social media content, video walls provide the flexibility to pivot your messaging on the fly. This adaptability will help keep your booth buzzing with excitement and also demonstrates your brand’s commitment to delivering a tailored and engaging experience for each and every attendee.

Enhance Your Booth’s Layout

It’s essential to carefully consider the positioning and arrangement of your video wall displays. This is because you can use them strategically to create an immersive environment to captivate your booth visitors and guide them through your exhibit. Keep in mind that a well-designed layout will not only draw attention to your video walls but also ensure that they integrate and blend in well with your overall booth design, contributing to a cohesive experience.

Some businesses tend to position their video walls in high-traffic areas or near their booth entrances to create a strong first impression and draw attendees in. Also, remember to leave ample space all around your video walls for comfortable viewing and interaction so your visitors will be able to engage with your exhibits in a welcoming environment.

Stand Out From Your Competitors

Trade shows are busy environments full of businesses vying for the attention of attendees. With the help of video wall displays, you’ll be able to gain that competitive edge over other exhibitors.

While other businesses are still relying on traditional banners or printed brochures, your embracing of innovative video wall technology will help differentiate your business from your competitors. Video walls can demonstrate your commitment to staying at the forefront of technological advancements, and attendees will be naturally drawn to exhibits that showcase the latest and most impressive technologies. When you leverage the power of video walls, you’re effectively creating a buzz around your booth and generating curiosity.

Elevate Your Business With Cutting-Edge Video Wall Displays

When it comes to the fiercely competitive nature of trade shows, it’s crucial to step up your game and set your business apart from the sea of static exhibits. While your competitors are struggling to capture attention with outdated methods, let your booth become an immersive and interactive experience that leaves a lasting impression on attendees. This competitive edge not only increases foot traffic to your booth but also enhances brand recognition after the trade show concludes. Call GSE Audiovisual Inc. today to learn more about renting the latest video wall displays to boost the visibility of your trade show booth.

The Evolution of Video Walls in Trade Show Exhibitions

When it comes to trade show exhibitions, capturing the attention of attendees and effectively conveying brand messages is crucial. Among the various tools and technologies used by exhibitors, LED video walls have emerged as a powerful and transformative element. Let’s explore the evolution of video walls in trade show exhibitions, tracing their journey from the early days of adoption to the cutting-edge installations we see today.

Early Adoption of Video Walls

Video walls first appeared in trade show exhibitions during the late 1990s and early 2000s. Early adopters back then recognized the potential of these large, multi-screen displays to attract attention and create a lasting impression on attendees.

At first, exhibitors began incorporating video walls into their booth designs to showcase product demos, promotional videos, and brand content. The sheer size and novelty of these installations made them stand out on the crowded trade show floor, drawing curious visitors to the booths.

However, the initial adoption of video walls in trade show exhibitions had its limitations. The technology was still in its early stages, and the costs associated at that point were substantial. Additionally, extensive technical expertise was required just to set up and operate these systems, making it extremely challenging for many exhibitors to incorporate video walls into their displays.

Advancements in Video Wall TechnologyOver the years, significant advancements in display technology have made video walls more attractive and practical for use in trade show exhibitions.

Higher resolution: One of the most notable improvements has been the increase in display resolution. Modern video wall screens offer full HD (1920×1080 pixels) or even 4K (3840×2160 pixels) resolution, resulting in stunningly clear and detailed images. A higher resolution means exhibitors can showcase their content with exceptional visual quality, capturing the attention of attendees and effectively conveying their message.

Improved color accuracy and contrast: Advancements in display technology have also led to better color accuracy and contrast ratios. New video wall screens can display a wider range of colors with greater precision, ensuring that the content looks vibrant and true-to-life. Improved contrast ratios enable deeper blacks and brighter whites, enhancing the overall visual impact of the video wall.

Thinner bezels: Thinner bezels create a more seamless and immersive viewing experience, as the gaps between the screens become less noticeable. With this advancement comes the creation of larger, more cohesive video walls that can captivate audiences.

Introduction of LED technology: LED video walls provide superior brightness, making them ideal for use in well-lit trade show environments. They also offer wider viewing angles, ensuring that the content remains visible and vibrant from various positions within the exhibition hall.

Impact of Video Walls on Trade Show Exhibitions

Increased Visitor Engagement and Interaction

Video walls will take your exhibition up a notch by grabbing the attention of trade show attendees and getting them excited about what you have to offer. With video walls, you can create an experience that’s not just visually stunning but also incredibly interactive.

Imagine being able to reach out and touch the screen, using your fingers to explore products or navigate through information. Or imagine using gestures to control the content, as you swipe and point your way through the presentation.

It’s this level of interactivity that really sets video walls apart and makes them such a powerful tool for exhibitors. By getting attendees actively involved in the experience, you’re not just telling them about your brand – you’re letting them become a part of it.

Enhanced Brand Visibility

The sheer size and visual impact of video walls make them an excellent tool for enhancing brand visibility and awareness at trade shows. The sheer size and visual wow-factor of these screens allow exhibitors to really make their mark. You can use them to prominently display your logo, brand colors, and key messaging, creating a bold, attention-grabbing presence that sets you apart from the competition.

Improved Product Demonstrations and Presentations

Video walls have completely changed the game when it comes to showcasing products and services at trade shows. Gone are the days of boring, static displays – now, exhibitors can create demos that are not only visually incredible but also extremely informative. Imagine being able to see every little detail of a product, thanks to the crystal-clear, high-resolution screens. And with the ability to manage and customize content, the possibilities are endless!

Exhibitors can now use video walls to create presentations that are engaging on a whole new level. These days, the technology can be used to display detailed graphics that jump out at you, 3D renderings that make you feel like you can reach out and touch the product, and interactive elements that get attendees involved and excited.

Embrace The Power of Video Walls For Your Trade Show Exhibition

As more exhibitors adopt video wall technology, the overall trade show landscape inevitably becomes more visually dynamic and interactive. Video walls contribute to creating a sense of excitement and innovation, attracting more attendees and elevating the perceived value of the event. The increased engagement, enhanced brand visibility, improved product demonstrations, and creation of immersive experiences collectively contribute to the success and effectiveness of trade show exhibitions today. Call us today to learn more about renting and setting up video walls to make your trade show even more successful!

how soon should i contact av company

How Soon Before My Event Should I Contact GSE AV?

AV can often be confusing, especially if you are new to renting various types of equipment. You need to make sure you have the right equipment, and one important point to note is that you should contact GSE AV – your AV rental company in Orlando,  with enough time for your rental request to be fulfilled properly. 

How Soon Before My Event Should I Contact GSE AV?

When you’re considering how much time you should have before you contact AV Rental Company, first think about the size of your event. Realistically, the larger the event, the more time will be needed to plan for it. You’d need to set aside more time to give your AV rental company to get your equipment reserved and any equipment transfers completed.

This is because you will obviously need more equipment than if you were working on a smaller event. As a general rule of thumb, you can start planning and notifying GSE AV 3 to 8 months prior. It might take only 1 months to get everything together, but if you’re working on a huge annual event, you should try putting together your plans with 4 to 8 months of time.

All those months will involve planning and organizing your event, considering how much and what types of equipment you will need, what types of technology you might use, scheduling the labor requested and providing GSE AV with enough time to gather all of the resources you will need.

Most larger projects will take around 3 or 4 months. You may want to consider talking to our representative earlier than that to ensure that you get the right equipment for your event. If you have a smaller project, you might be able to get everything set up in around 1 or 2 months instead.

The Rental Process

You should already know the general needs of your event. Like knowing how many rooms you will have available for your attendees.  This will tell us roughly how many screens and projectors you might need, discuss how many microphones you have in mind, and what other core essentials you may want to make your event a success. To organize the process, try and make a list of your essentials prior to calling one of our sales advisers. As one of the premier AV rental companies in the country, you can rest assured that we have the latest technology in AV equipment and constantly ensure that our equipment is in the best condition. 

We try to make the process hassle-free for you. Leave it to us to plan out your AV equipment if you’re unsure, and we’ll even set up everything for you. Our trained Project Manager will be there with you to ensure that your show will run smoothly.


There’s a lot that goes into planning any event, and that includes planning for what type of AV equipment you will need and how much of it you will need. To give your event the best chance of running smoothly, ensure that you set aside enough time for your own planning and for us to organize everything for you. If you have any further questions, don’t hesitate to call us; your very own GSE Audio Visual Project manager will be more than happy to help.

av trends 2021

New AV Trends in 2021

The AV industry is constantly changing, thanks to new technologies every year. As an audio visual company in Orlando, it’s vital for us to be aware of the latest trends so we can be consistent in our efforts to provide our clients with the best AV equipment for their needs.

Here are some AV trends that have risen in 2021 with an overarching theme revolving around effective and seamless communication regardless of location.

New AV Trends in 2021

Better Online Conferencing

With the rise of internet-based communication because of the pandemic, there is more demand for online meetings than before. As a result, AV conferencing systems are becoming increasingly popular in digital workplaces. These high-tech audiovisual tools allow companies to speak face-to-face without being in the same building. 

Touchless Technology

Thanks to the rise of touchless technology, people are moving away from physical controls like buttons, switches, and knobs to touch-sensitive interfaces instead. Touch screens have allowed companies to do this already; and due to the pandemic, customers have evolved to giving away touch styluses to interface with our touch screen monitors.

Digital Events

The rise of digital events like music festivals and conferences means that more people than are using audiovisual equipment. Fortunately, with the top AV equipment, it is possible to host high quality and realistic digital events today. 

While it’s not as costly to host a virtual event as compared to a live event, businesses should not see this as a chance to lower their budget. Instead, it’s worth investing the money into ensuring top quality sound and visuals for your audience. An event that impresses your audience will create a corresponding positive impression of your business, leading to better conversion rates.

Rooms with Integrated AV Systems

Integrated AV systems refer to how lights, speakers, video cues and more can all be controlled with room sensors. They are designed to work seamlessly with each other and to make it much easier to set up for meetings. As they can be rather costly, they are not very common in businesses or homes yet. However, it might be a great time to start thinking about how your business will approach this trend in the near future for their events.

Digital Signage

Due to the pandemic, the use of marketing materials like flyers have decreased since people try to avoid touching things unnecessarily. This is where digital signages come in. Video walls, for example, are being relied upon to share information today. With various specifications and technology, digital displays are versatile and able to cater to any events and any size audience.


We can help with your AV rental needs, whether you require projectors, touch screens, lighting or more. With our finger on the pulse of the AV industry and upcoming AV trends, you can rest assured that we’ll provide the latest and most effective custom solutions for your business or event.

save time and money

How You Could Save Time and Money by Hiring an AV Rental Company for Your Event

If you’re looking for an effective way to save time and money, then it’s a good idea to hire an Orlando AV Rental Company for your event. Take the stress off your shoulders and get everything you need, from projectors to microphones, speakers, and more. 

Hiring an AV rental company is the best option if you are short on time or don’t have the knowledge of what equipment will work best for your needs.

How You Could Save Time and Money by Hiring an AV Rental Company for Your Event

Equipment You Can Rent

AV rental companies provide a broad range of equipment you can rent. Need to present a  presentation but don’t have the right equipment? We have the right video or data projectors that will work perfectly for your presentation needs. 

Instead of forking out a significant amount to purchase high-quality speakers for a one-off event, choose to rent them instead. You will need quality speakers to ensure that your guests can clearly hear the presentation, so it’s vital not to scrimp on your speakers. Rather than spending top dollar purchasing high-quality ones, renting them will be more cost-effective.

AV rental companies also rent out microphones for speeches or presentations. However, if multiple people are speaking, you will need to rent more than one microphone.

More Options to Scale Up or Down

Unsure of how big your event will be? Or perhaps, your next event won’t be as major as the previous one. Hiring AV equipment instead of purchasing them means you have that much more flexibility to have or less equipment on hand, as required by the extent of your event.

You might have an event requiring more projectors and microphones, but you know that you won’t need so many of this equipment for future events. 

Hiring an AV rental company means you can select the AV solutions that you need. This is certainly more cost-effective than purchasing excessive but unnecessary AV equipment, or worse, finding that you lack the equipment necessary.

Expert Technicians

An AV rental company has professionally trained technicians to help set everything up. You don’t need to worry about complicated setups, and you don’t have to guess how to operate complex equipment. Leave this to the experts and focus on running your event.

Also, our technicians know exactly what AV equipment you will need. Without the right training and knowledge, you might purchase the wrong equipment which means more money wasted.

What to Expect From AV Rental Company

Latest Technology

A reputable AV rental company will have all the latest technology. We are in touch with the latest trends and equipment launches on the market and ensure that we have a good catalog of equipment for your needs. Your event will run smoothly, thanks to our expert technicians and up-to-date equipment.

Quality Service and On-Site Assistance

You can also expect quality service and on-site assistance when hiring an AV rental company for your event. Our trained experts will be present to help set everything up and ensure that everything runs smoothly without a hitch.


As an AV rental company that prides itself on customer satisfaction and our positive reputation, we’ll always be on time and ready to set up everything in advance, ensuring everything’s working when your guests arrive at the event or presentation. 


Hiring an AV rental company for your event can save you time and money while taking significant stress off yourself. There’s no need to worry about complicated setups or having to purchase expensive equipment that you might never use. Instead, you can count on our reliable technicians and high-quality equipment to help make your event a success.

AV Terms That Every Event Planner Should Know

When you’re planning an event, you might come across a handful of seemingly confusing AV terms that Audio Visual rental companies in Orlando use. Many people use them interchangeably to refer to the same thing: “sound system.” However, some differences between the terms may affect your event planning decisions down the line or impact how well you can carry out tasks in the early stages of event planning. 


A gobo is a piece of metal with images or patterns cut out. You can also have glass gobos.  Glass gobos can be made in multiple colors.  Gobos can be created to cast shadows on the wall behind them, depending on the angle and distance from them to the wall. They can be used as a design element, such as decoration, casting specific shadows to create a particular effect.


Bandwidth is the amount of data that can be sent through a certain connection. So, if you are hosting an event online and streaming your video feed, but it keeps buffering or freezing up, this is because there’s inadequate upload bandwidth available for all the viewers you were trying to accommodate. External attendees viewing the live stream utilize download bandwidth to watch the stream.  Both are important for your virtual events success.


Rigging is the process of securing equipment and other items on a platform. For example, if you are doing an event in a ballroom or in a convention center, you may choose to rig your overhead video wall or line array sound system, for optimal viewing for your audience.

Stage Wash

Stage wash is a term used to refer to lighting that hits the stage directly. Suppose you are hosting an event in a small room with very little light but want your guests to see the action on stage. In that case, this type of lighting may help provide better visibility without requiring too much wattage or making it difficult for people in the back of the room to see whats happening on a dark stage.

Crossover Frequency

The crossover frequency, also known as a crossover, determines which frequencies are sent through which speakers. Suppose you have multiple speakers that can be controlled independently for volume and tone to provide different sound experiences at varying locations. In that case, this is where you would set the crossover frequency to ensure that bass tones are not being sent through speakers meant for treble.


A mixer is used to mix sound inputs. You need a high-quality mixer if you are hosting an event with multiple microphones that need to be mixed together so they can all be heard clearly by the audience at different locations.  It is recommended that you hire one of our technicians to operate this mixer.


As the name suggests, a switcher is used to switch between different inputs. If you want guests to see behind-the-scenes footage alongside video from your main camera feed that’s broadcasting everything happening live, a switcher will allow you to do that without much lag time switching between them both.


A codec is a piece of software used to compress data to be transmitted in smaller chunks. Suppose you have set up your video feed online for guests at home or around the world to watch live but need to use both wired internet connection as well as wireless to accommodate all viewers without causing too much lag time in data transmission. In that case, a codec can compress the video feed to get through without taking too long.  The best codecs for HD video content is .H264 or .H265 with a .mp4 wrap.  Feel free to reach out to GSE AV for any of your HD production needs.


Whether you are an event planner or a guest who plans to host a small gathering, these AV terms should help you understand the available options. If you’re still unsure about any of these AV terms, don’t hesitate to ask us for help!

increasing engagement

Tips for Increasing Engagement at Your Virtual Event

Virtual events are becoming increasingly popular as more businesses move towards digitization. Unfortunately, it’s not always easy to engage participants in the same ways as you can during in-person events.

Although you might have to use different methods to engage your participants, virtual events are still extremely beneficial. All you need is some prep time and a quick rundown of how to create an engaging virtual event.

If you’re in the midst of your virtual event planning and want to make sure it will engage your audience, follow the tips below.

Interesting & Engaging Content

It’s true that you’ll have to present content in a much more vibrant, energetic way or you’ll lose your audience’s attention.

When you’re creating the slides for your event, choose eye-catching photos and intriguing bullet points. Don’t fill entire pages with text and don’t assume you can talk about the same information for the full conference. Virtual fatigue is real, so make sure to break up the information and even consider adding breaks so that your audience can take in everything that you’re saying.  

Invite an Exciting Guest Speaker

The best event hosts are those that can captivate an audience even during a virtual event. You may not be able to bring in a celebrity host or a world-renowned speaker, but you should take the time to find an exciting guest speaker.

Guest speakers give your event a different dynamic. If you have one or two speakers for the same event, your audience is much less likely to get bored or distracted halfway through.

When you invite a guest speaker, make sure they have a good handle on the theme and know what they’re going to be talking about. They should be excited about doing the event too. An excited speaker is an exciting speaker.

Gamify Your Event

One of the best ways to increase engagement at your virtual event is with gamification.

When you gamify your event, you allow your audience to participate in a more concrete way. Winning points and prizes can encourage participants to pay more attention or follow through with what you ask them to.

Gamifying your event isn’t difficult. In fact, it’s easy to incorporate into your virtual event as you only need a few minutes. Rather than presenting them with information for an entire hour, make the last ten or fifteen minutes into a game that reviews all the information you’ve talked about.

Use Polling

Both pre-event polling and live polling can increase engagement before and during your event. Pre-event polling informs your participants how valuable attending your event will be for them. Using pre-polling, you can also determine what topics are of interest to your audience and tailor the event to suit them better.

If you use live polling, you’ll have an easy way to encourage participation and therefore, engagement. It’s an easy and simple way to interact with participants during the event without having to adjust your current theme or plan. The questions you ask in a live poll are unlimited and can make great transitions.

Create Social Media Contests

Almost everyone has social media these days, so why not take advantage of that? At the very least, you should create a hashtag that participants can use. You can then use the hashtag as a way to enter a contest or create more engagement.

With social media, your event will spread quicker and your audience will be more engaged from the start. When you incorporate a fun and free contest to go along with your event, more people are bound to participate. 


It can be difficult to engage your audience during a virtual event, but it’s certainly not impossible. With the many tools provided by the internet, you should be able to create a unique and engaging virtual event without much hassle.  Hire GSE AV today to help implement your Virtual Event, to get your message out effectively.

conference planning

Conference Planning Checklist

When you’re planning your conference in Orlando, you want the entire event to appear seamless – from the organizing & planning stage, to the implementation of AV equipment. With so many things to plan and organize, it’s hard to ensure you don’t miss out on any important step. Follow this conference planning checklist to make sure you’ll have everything planned out smoothly.

The Venue

Any event begins with the venue and you have to balance the atmosphere of the location with the needs of your event. In other words, make sure that you have the space necessary to house everyone, that there’s room for large seminars, and that the available rooms will allow you to utilize the equipment you need.

When you’re picking out your venue, there are a few things to confirm before you choose the place. For one, you’ll want to make sure that all of your AV equipment will be allowed. Check out the rooms to see what equipment is provided and what you’ll need to rent.

Ask about the setup time, and check if there are elevators to help you move the equipment when you arrive. You should see if there are places for a projection screen or spots where lights will shine. Check how soundproof everything is, whether there’s already a mixer or a teleprompter, and ask about their internet connection too.

Of course, your rented equipment should help you with some of this, but your venue does matter when it comes to setting everything up—so make sure that you take a minute to ask.

The AV Equipment


Start by thinking about the display screen. Consider the number of computers and laptops that you’ll have plugged in and whether you can switch around easily on the display.

If it’s a smaller conference, an small Video Wall might serve you well. If it’s a larger conference, you may have to go with a larger projector screen.

These days, there are LED video walls that can engage your audience and make the whole experience more interesting and interactive as well.

Speaking of visuals, don’t forget about lighting. It is important to engage as many of your audience’s scenes as possible.  It is important for the entire audience to to be able to see the person speaking, so make sure that your stage is well lit. 


Don’t forget about the projector either. Your projector will be dependent on your event, whether you’re streaming videos or showing a presentation. For presentations, you need a projector that’s brighter, especially if you do not have room lighting controls.


Smaller rooms might be fine with a small audio package, but any larger conference room will need a microphone, speaker, and so on.

Remember: audio isn’t just about playing videos. It’s also about making sure that your attendees can hear what is being said. You don’t want an underpowered speaker system that’s unclear and won’t do a good job of allowing your attendees to hear your content clearly. Alternatively, a speaker system that’s over the top will be too loud, making attendees feel uncomfortable 

When you rent audio equipment, your provider should help you set up and fine-tune the audio system to make sure you get the right amount of sound and clarity for the room size.


A mixer or soundboard will come in handy, especially if you plan on having a large conference and you’ll be operating with many microphones and speakers. A soundboard will let you adjust volume levels so that everyone can hear the person speaking. It’s just like how a good presentation screen with a proper aspect ratio will let everyone see what’s going on. 


If that room happens to be large, consider multiple microphones as well and whether those microphones will be passed around. You may even think about a lavalier that will clip onto your speakers if you want something a little more hands-free.

If there’s just one main speaker who will be standing in the same spot throughout, a wired microphone will be good. If there are multiple microphones that will be passed around among the audience, wireless handheld mics will be the best choice.

When it comes to microphones, don’t forget about the transmitter. You need a transmitter to go with your wireless mic. If you’re using a lavalier, you will need a bodypack transmitter that’s usually mounted onto the speaker’s clothes or pocket.

Let GSEAV Take Care of Your AV Equipment Needs

With so many pieces to put together and so many steps to organize, it’s best to entrust the entire Audio/Visual rental process to us. With years of experience serving all types of events, from seminars to corporate meetings, we know exactly what you need for your Orlando conference. We’re able to provide high-quality AV equipment to ensure your conference runs smoothly so give us a call today to have a chat about your conference planning.

Audio Visual Rental Equipment that will Help Keep your Audience Engaged

Audio Visual Rental Equipment that will Help Keep your Audience Engaged

No matter how much you prepare for your conference or event, poor audio visual work can make all the difference in how your audience perceives you. To ensure you keep your audience engaged and entertained, here are some audio visual rental equipment that you can use.

Audio Equipment 

There is nothing worse than attending a conference or presentation and not being able to hear what is going on. Not only will you not have been able to hear what the presenter was saying but you will also feel like you have wasted your time. 

It’s crucial to ensure that quality sound equipment is top of the priority list. 

Any good, professional audiovisual service provider will know what equipment is best for your specific venue, so be sure to fill your audio experts in on the size of your venue and audience. If possible, it is a good idea to test out the equipment in the venue before the day of the event, but if that is not an option, ensure that you and the audio experts arrive early the day of.  

Another factor to keep in mind is how you will be presenting. Some questions to ask are: are you going to be sitting in a chair during a presentation, will you walk around as you speak, will there be a lot of movement on stage and will you be sharing the stage with other presenters? 

Assuming you are walking around a lot, it is best to have a wireless microphone, and if there are multiple performers it is necessary you have multiple microphones to eliminate sharing. 

Spotlights and LED Lights 

One way to keep your audience engaged is to set the mood of the room and create an atmosphere to suit your performance with lighting. Whether or not you have any control over the venue you present at, simple things like the look of the feeling of the room you perform in can have a big impact on how you are received. 

Although adjustments to the look of the space aren’t always up to you, a simple way to transform the way your event or presentation is perceived is with the lighting. Whether you set the mood with warm or cool lighting, certain colors or spotlights, a simple change in the room’s lighting can do a lot to subconsciously set the scene for your audience. 

Consider what should have attention, if the attention is on you and only on you when you speak try out a spotlight. If the room feels small, placing some LED lights around the outer walls can make the space feel larger. 

While planning your event, be sure to discuss lighting with the venue or the audiovisual service provider to ensure your audience remains engaged and the focus is on you throughout the performance. 

Impactful Visuals

It is said that there are many types of learning, the three main types being auditory, visual and kinesthetic learning. If you are presenting any type of event or speech with only audio, there is a chance you are missing out on a large portion of your audience. 

Although it is likely very difficult to target those who are kinesthetic learners, adding some visual elements to your show can keep those who tend to lean more towards the visual learning side of the spectrum who may have trouble concentrating on audio-only presentations, focused and engaged. 

Consider how you can introduce visual elements into your show, whether it’s through relevant information on a screen, stats that the audience may be hard to remember, photos, graphs, charts or any other form of imagery. Utilize equipment like touch kiosks, LED walls, VR projectors and more.

Once you have an idea of your visual content it is important you discuss with your audio visual company to ensure they have a screen or screens that will be visible to everyone sitting everywhere in the venue. 


Your audio and visual during an event can make all of the difference between an engaged or a bored audience. It is important to consider audio and visuals and discuss your plans with your audiovisual service providers to ensure you have all equipment necessary. Although it may seem frivolous, a small detail like lighting can be crucial to ensure you are well received and your audience remains engaged the whole time. For more ideas, consult AV Rentals in Orlando for help.